After enjoying a Saturday free of obligations and commitments, which was the first and last in a good while, I decided to jump on the notebook PC and get some work done two nights ago. I got a ways into my work when my phone suddenly rang at nearly 2am. No big deal. I have 24-hour open call policy for any and all (doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to answer). When I checked the Blackberry face though, I was suprised by the name that popped up given the time. It was a good friend; a really good brother that I went to undergrad with who moves in the same social circle as I do. One might suspect bias here, but he's also genuinely one of the biggest fans and supporters of my artistry.
When I answered the phone, all my guy said was "Man, you are inspiring people. You are inspiring people out here." I had no idea what he was talking about. Then he said "We are out here at this cookout and your [Allmanact] album is playing. Some people want to speak to you." I'm silent, as an extremely pleasant woman whom I never have heard of, seen or met takes the line. She, in a beautiful speaking voice, instantly told me something to effect of she loved the music, had no idea who [DeFakto / Allmanact] was and encouraged me to keep on doing my thing. I was taken aback and just thanked her a few times for the positive feedback. She then passed the phone on to TWO more ladies who had their own unique yet similar message for me regarding the ALLMANACT album that they were hearing for the first time. This was not wreckless late night drunk-dialing either. As if their words weren't enough, the sincerity and anxiousness that translated was striking. It sounded like the ladies prompted the call rather than my friend and they wanted to be sure that they got their messages to me. My homeboy could have easily spoken on behalf of the three women, but it was meant for me to connect with them directly, even if just briefly.
When you love creating and spreading music, it is a relationship similar to that involving two people. There are times in relationships where you have doubts, question, reevaluate and/or reconsider stepping out, stepping away, and moving on, even when love is there. The same applies to music, especially since there are so many x-factors that effect an artist's presence and existance in music whether small indie or major. I personally was not feeling any negative thoughts about my music and related ventures when I received the phone call, but heartfelt encouragement like that is always timely. Being an artist is tough by nature and nurture, so we need little such stimulants every now and again. They lift us to just the right height and hold us up just long enough. I dont allow myself to get souped by praise or positive feedback, but it is very important to appreciate it all and keep it in perspective. I certainly do and, with that said, want to thank those three strangers. Perhaps we may meet, but we've already connected if we never get the chance to. Thank you.